School Uniform

We believe that our uniform encourages a sense of pride in appearance and a feeling of belonging to the school family. This assists in developing high standards in other aspects of school life. All children are expected to wear our uniform and the rules concerning uniform are very clear and continually enforced.

  • The basic compulsory required uniform consists of grey or black trousers or skirts, a white or blue shirt or polo shirt and a blue jumper or cardigan. In the summer children can choose to wear blue and white summer dresses or smart grey or black shorts.
  • Shoes should be black and low-heeled. No Trainers.
  • Jewellery, including friendship and wrist bands, are not allowed. The only exception is where a child has pierced ears, and then one pair only of small plain studs are acceptable. Earrings must not be worn for PE.
  • Skirts & shorts are to be of a reasonable length.

Products can be generic (without a school logo) and these can be purchased from any uniform supplier or certain supermarkets. To purchase products with a school logo, including sweatshirts, cardigans, fleece jackets, PE t-shirts and book bags, go to  – using the password Greystoke2020.  A small delivery charge is made for home deliveries, or we are happy to accept your order in school and we will contact you to arrange collection on receipt. Our Friends of Greystoke group also stock many items of good quality, clean second hand uniform which can be purchased for a very reasonable price.  Please email our FOG committee on or via the  FOG Facebook page

PE Kits

  • Plain School T-shirt (red, green, yellow, blue – depending on House Colour)
  • Black Shorts/Tracksuit bottoms
  • Trainers

Order Uniform, PE Kit and Book Bags Now