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Pupil voice refers to pupils’ participation, contribution and influence in a school context. Various studies have confirmed that the benefits of positive pupil voice are improved relationships between pupils and teachers, increased pupil engagement and better communication between pupils and the school. These areas support the right conditions for our school community to become a learning community.
In ensuring that we are creating a more inclusive, diverse and valued community at Greystoke we listen, adapt and act on what our pupils say. We encourage children to share their voices in class through explicit teaching of strong oracy skills, by encouraging active learning and by ensuring that all classrooms adhere to the stipulations of being communication friendly environments.
In addition, pupil voice is heard through the many representative groups within school that give voice to pupils in more structured ways. These include our school council, Asha Ambassadors, Sports Ambassadors, Wellbeing Ambassadors and Prefects. Children in year 6 are encouraged to take on whole school responsibilities which help to develop their leadership skills, to speak up to share other pupils thoughts, feelings and ideas and to take on responsibility and learn the importance of giving back.
Pupil voice is also highly valued by our advisory board, where one member takes on responsibility for this area of school life. Each year an audit is carried out including speaking to SLT, other adults in school and pupils to both celebrate what is working well and also share next steps to be even better. Our most recent report is attached below.
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